We are proud of our role in supporting positive outcomes for patients living with diabetes. Closely aligned with our focus on health is our ability to keep patients on metformin, at the correct dose, which positively impacts benefit plan costs.
Our WellDyne approach to diabetes management, backed up by current research, was featured in our poster, Lower Total Cost of Care in Patients with Diabetes on an SGLT2 vs GLP1 +/- metformin. Focused on the cost and clinical effectiveness of second-line agents in patients with diabetes, the poster offers valuable conclusions to help plans maximize resources.
“While metformin is the preferred initial first-line agent for patients with type 2 diabetes, second-line agents are used when patients are unable to reach glucose control,” explains Leonard Deleon, Clinical Pharmacist. “As the leading cost driver in non-specialty spend, diabetes treatment decisions have far-reaching implications to benefit plans and people’s lives. Many patients may be eligible and may achieve similar health outcomes for either an SGLT2 and GLP1, yet our poster illustrates that cost implications can be dramatic.”