Welldyne Style Guide

  • Traditional
  • Specialty

brand Bars
80.0 %

2019 Specialty Medication
Adhereence Rate

nps infographic

// this might change in the future
 {% include 'templates/elements/nps_infographic.twig' with { module: module } %} 

Client Implementation

The Net Promoter Score measures customer
satisfaction on a scale of -100 to +100

Download Cards

// this might change in the future
			 {% include 'templates/modules/download-cards.twig' with { module: module } %} 



adfkj asdjfka sdklfjaksdjf kasjdfk jaskdfjadfkj asdjfka sdklfjaksdjf kasjdfk jaskdfjadfkj asdjfka sdklfjaksdjf kasjdfk jaskdfj
CTA Label

Alert Box

			 {% include 'templates/modules/alert-box.twig' with { module: module } %} 
			// if closed. it will not appear until browser is reopened

This is the alert message regarding any updates from WellDyne.


Cloud Gray
Midnight Black
Blush Pink
Sunshine Yellow
Grass Green to Jade
Sunshine Yellow to Jade

Links & Buttons

{% include 'templates/elements/button.twig' with {link : '/',text: 'who we are'} %} {% include 'templates/elements/button.twig' with {link : '/',text: 'back to home',secondary: true} %}

Links & Buttons

Who We Are Back to Home

Grid System

Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item
Grid Item


				//adds space between modules
				 {% include 'templates/modules/spacer.twig' with {module : {spacer: {multiplier: 4}} } %} 



H1 Title: Lorem ipsum

H1 Title

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H2 Title

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H2 Title (Light)

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H3 Title: Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H4 Title: Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

This is small copy.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H1 Title

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H2 Title

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H3 Title: Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque earum vel veniam ipsa cupiditate pariatur culpa, voluptas nisi aspernatur blanditiis commodi, ab ea reprehenderit? Vero nostrum minus a architecto veniam nihil consequatur eius repudiandae quisquam eum maiores dicta sapiente, ad aperiam exercitationem pariatur nam ducimus corporis laborum. Odit, neque voluptatum.

H4 Title: Lorem ipsum


 {% include 'templates/modules/counter.twig' with {
  module : {
    counter: {
      start_number: '201050015',
      end_number: '265000000000',
      duration: '6',
      body: 'nationally, $1 out of every $4 spent on healthcare is wasted or misspent.
annually, that adds up to about' } } } %}

Home Hero

 {% set module = { home_hero: { headline: 'discover the difference', image: '/wordpress/uploads/2019/12/home-hero-image.jpg', image_alt_text_text: 'between what you are getting and what you deserve from your pbm. the difference is clear with welldyne.' } }%} {% include 'templates/modules/home-hero.twig' with { module : module } %} 

Home Hero

Discover the difference

between what you are getting and what you deserve from your PBM. The difference is clear with WellDyne.

Content List

 {% set module  = {
label: 'high adherence rates',
headline: 'drugs only work for patients who take them, refill them on time and commit to therapy.',
content: 'helping patients achieve exceptional medication adherence requires a well-coordinated approach. ',
content_type: 'icons',
has_cta: true,
cta_label: 'what we do',
cta_link: '//google.com',
icons: [
{ image: '/wordpress/uploads/2020/01/wd-icon-24.png', content: 'we educate patients about their dosing schedule and help prepare them to anticipate and mitigate side-effects. '},
{ image: '/wordpress/uploads/2020/01/wd-icon-32.png', content: 'we also provide coaching on the key to good adherence – developing a consistent medication-taking habit and then reinforce successful drug-taking behavior.'},
{ image: '/wordpress/uploads/2020/01/wd-icon-43.png', content: 'we text refill reminders and patients can set up medication reminders in our portal. '}
} %} {% include 'templates/modules/content-list.twig' with { module: { content_list: module } } %} 

Content List

High Adherence Rates

Drugs only work for patients who take them, refill them on time and commit to therapy.

Helping patients achieve exceptional medication adherence requires a well-coordinated approach.

What We Do
Icon List Item - 1

We educate patients about their dosing schedule and help prepare them to anticipate and mitigate side-effects.

Icon List Item - 2

We also provide coaching on the key to good adherence – developing a consistent medication-taking habit and then reinforce successful drug-taking behavior.

Icon List Item - 3

We text refill reminders and patients can set up medication reminders in our portal.

Content List

   {% set module  = {
    			label: 'healthcare payers',
    			headline: 'why not work with the industry-leader in managing specialty trend? ',
    			content: 'we specialize in taking care of specialty and chronic care patients – patients that drive the vast majority of pharmacy spend. our proven approach keeps medications costs low and adherence levels high. and we wrap our pbm services in a flexible model led by an account team structured to meet the unique needs of different types of healthcare payers. ',
    			content_type: 'bullets',
    			bullet_title: 'we serve a wide range of healthcare payers, including:',
    			bullets: [
    				{ text: 'employers'},
    				{ text: 'hospitals and health systems'},
    				{ text: 'unions'},
    				{ text: 'state and local governments'},
    				{ text: 'tpas'},
    		} %} {% include 'templates/modules/content-list.twig' with { module: { content_list: module } } %} 


Healthcare Payers

Why not work with the industry-leader in managing specialty trend?

We specialize in taking care of specialty and chronic care patients – patients that drive the vast majority of pharmacy spend. Our proven approach keeps medications costs low and adherence levels high. And we wrap our PBM services in a flexible model led by an account team structured to meet the unique needs of different types of healthcare payers.

We serve a wide range of healthcare payers, including:

  • Employers
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Unions
  • State and Local Governments
  • TPAs

We serve a wide range of healthcare payers, including:

  • Employers
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Unions
  • State and Local Governments
  • TPAs

News Feed

     {% set module = { news_feed: {
      title: 'news & insights',
      cta_label: 'see more news & insights',
      cta_link: '/',
      news: [
          title: 'us specialty care named finalist for 2019 patient choice awards',
          content : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliq…',
          type: 'news',
          image: '//placehold.it/200x200',
          image_alt_text: 'us specialty care named finalist for 2019 patient choice awards',
          cta_url: '/'
          title: 'welldyne selected to provide pharmacy services for davita’s',
          content : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliq…',
          type: 'news',
          image: '//placehold.it/200x200',
          image_alt_text: 'welldyne selected to provide pharmacy services for davita’s',
          cta_url: '/'
          title: 'welldyne selected to provide pharmacy services for davita’s',
          content : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliq…',
          type: 'webinar',
          image: '//placehold.it/200x200',
          image_alt_text: 'welldyne selected to provide pharmacy services for davita’s',
          cta_url: '/'
    } }%} {% include 'templates/modules/news-feed.twig' with { module: module } %} 


News Feed

News & Insights

See more News & Insights


{% set module = {
	infographic: {
	image_alt_text_text: '82% of text messages are read within 5 minutes, but consumers only open 1 in 4 emails.',
	content: '82% of text messages are read within 5 minutes, but consumers only open 1 in 4 emails.',
	} %} {% include 'templates/modules/infographic.twig' with {
	module : module
} %}


Text Open Rates Email 25 82 People Prefer Texts

82% of text messages are read within 5 minutes, but consumers only open 1 in 4 emails.

Icon Block

         {% set module = {
        icon_block: {
        	icons: [
        			content: 'using both technology and a high-touch model, we are an agent of change for the member experience.',
        			icon: '/wordpress/uploads/2020/01/wd-icon-24.png'
        			content: 'we have the resourcefulness and creativity to solve non-standard client requests.',
        			icon: '/wordpress/uploads/2020/01/wd-icon-32.png'
        			content: 'we vigilantly go beyond rebates to provide the lowest net cost and back it up with guarantees.',
        			icon: '/wordpress/uploads/2020/01/wd-icon-43.png'
        	cta_label: 'what we do',
        	cta_text: '/'
        } %} {% include 'templates/modules/icon-block.twig' with { module: module } %} 


Icon Block

Icon Block - 1

Using both technology and a high-touch model, we are an agent of change for the member experience.

Icon Block - 2

We have the resourcefulness and creativity to solve non-standard client requests.

Icon Block - 3

We vigilantly go beyond rebates to provide the lowest net cost and back it up with guarantees.

Stats Block

           {% set module = {
           stats_block: {headline: 'stats block',has_cta: true,cta_label:"click here",cta_link:"#",
                    {stat:"15%",content_h4:"porro quisquam est qui ",content:"asder neque porro quisquam es" },
                    {stat:"88%",content_h4:"porro quisquam est qui ",content:"asder neque porro quisquam es" },
                    {stat:"01%",content_h4:"porro quisquam est qui ",content:"asder neque porro quisquam es" }
           } %} {% include 'templates/modules/stats-block.twig' with { module: module } %} 


Stats Block

Stats Block


porro quisquam est qui

Asder Neque porro quisquam es


porro quisquam est qui

Asder Neque porro quisquam es


porro quisquam est qui

Asder Neque porro quisquam es

Content Block (Image Left)

   {% include 'templates/modules/content-block.twig' with{ module : {
    content_block: {
      alignment: 'left',
      headline: 'headline!',
      label: 'label',
      cta_label: 'cta label',
      cta_link: '//google.com'
  } %} 



CTA Label


 {% include 'templates/modules/subtitle.twig' with {
  module : {
    subtitle: {
      title: 'we relentlessly pursue better ways to deliver
enhanced care, premium service and maximum value.' } } } %}

We relentlessly pursue better ways to deliver
enhanced care, premium service and maximum value.

Content Block (Image Right)

  // split image  right side

   {% include 'templates/modules/content-block.twig' with { module:{
  	content_block: {
  		alignment: 'right',
  		headline: 'headline!',
  		label: 'label',
  		cta_label: 'cta label',
  		cta_link: '//google.com'
  } %} 



CTA Label

Job Cards

   {% set module = {
   job_cards: [
     {link: '/', title: 'sample job position', description: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidintut labore et dolore aaa.', link_text: 'see position'},
     {link: '/', title: 'sample job position', description: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidintut labore et dolore aaa.', link_text: 'see position'}
  }%} {% include 'templates/modules/job-cards.twig' with { module : module }%} 

Vertical Tab

 {% include 'templates/modules/vertical-tab.twig' with{
module: {
vertical_tab: {
tabs: [
headline:'specialty pharmacy c',
image:"//external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3a%2f%2fclipart-library.com%2fimages%2fbtarolj5c.png&f=1&nofb=1" ,
image_alt_text:'image alt',
content:'specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life...'

Vertical Tab

Specialty Pharmacy A

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

image alt

Specialty Pharmacy B

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

image alt

Specialty Pharmacy C

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

image alt

Specialty Pharmacy D

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

Specialty patients are dealing with complex conditions that may require ongoing medication for life. We are compassionate and supportive as we onboard patients, helping them understand and cope with a new diagnosis and other challenges.

image alt

Page Title

    {% include 'templates/modules/page-title.twig'  with { module: {
       page_title: {
         title: 'page title',
         content: 'this is page title ... or is it?? no one will ever know!!',
         is_anchor: true,
         tabs: [
           { type: '#leadership-feed', label: 'leadership feed'},
           { type: '#quote', label: 'quote'}
   } %} 

Page Title

This is page title ... or is it?? NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!!

Leadership Feed

 {% set module = { leadership_feed : {
    headline: 'our leadership',
      leaders: [
          name: 'john doe',
          title: 'chief commercial office',
          picture: '//external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3a%2f%2fclipart-library.com%2fimages%2fbtarolj5c.png&f=1&nofb=1',
          content: 'jeff has more than 20 years’ experience across the healthcare and pharmacy benefit management industries. jeff was the former executive vice president and chief operating officer of catamaran, now known as optumrx. he helped build and grow catamaran from $55 million in revenues to a fortune 500 public company with over $21 billion in revenues before it was acquired by united health group in 2015. in addition, jeff has an extensive financial background with leadership positions at covington capital and deloitte canada. jeff served on the board of directors at diplomat and served as interim ceo before joining welldynerx as the chairman and ceo in april 2019. jeff has been recognized by institutional investor as the top cfo in his industry. jeff completed his bachelor of accounting at brock university.',
          link_text: 'see profile',
          cta_label: 'connect on linkedin',
          cta_url: '//linkedin.com/'
    } } %} {% include 'templates/modules/leadership-feed.twig' with { module: module } %} 

Leadership Feed

Leadership - John Doe

John Doe

Chief Commercial Office

See Profile
Leadership - Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Chief Finacial Officer & Chief Administrative Officer

See Profile
Leadership - Jimmy Doe

Jimmy Doe

Chief Commercial Officer

See Profile
Leadership - Jenny Doe

Jenny Doe

Chief Commercial Party Person

See Profile


       {% set module = { quote: {
  			quote: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.',
  			attribution: 'john doe - ceo and chairman',
  				image: '/uploads/2019/12/home-hero-image.jpg'
  		} } %} {% include 'templates/modules/quote.twig' with {module : module} %} 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

John Doe - CEO and Chairman

Page Callout Big

   {% set module = {
    page_callout_big: {
      headline: 'looking to join our team?',
      content: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ',
      identifier: 'aplace'
  } %} {% include 'templates/modules/page-callout-big.twig' with { module: module } %} 

Page Callout Big

Looking to Join our Team?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Video Player

 {% set module = {
  video_player: {
    vimeo_id: '370378471',
    poster_image: '/wordpress/uploads/2019/12/home-hero-image.jpg',
    poster_image_alt: 'video'
} %} {% include 'templates/modules/video-player.twig' with { module: module } %} 

Video Player


News Block

 {% set module = {
  current_drug_report: {
    link: '//www.google.com',
    title: 'see our 2019 report title',
    content: 'we’re committed to imptrend report...'
  news_block: {
  headline: 'news & insights',
  types: [
    type: '',
    label: 'all'
    type: 'drug-trend-report',
    label: '2019 drug trend report'
  news: [
      title: 'us specialty care named finalist for 2019 patient choice awards',
      content : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi... aliq…',
      type: 'news',
      has_image: true,
      is_contained: true,
      image: '//placehold.it/200x200',
      image_alt_text: 'us specialty care named finalist for 2019 patient choice awards',
      cta_url: '/'
      title: 'welldyne selected to provide pharmacy services for davita’s',
      content : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.',
      type: 'webinar',
      image: '//placehold.it/200x200',
      image_alt_text: 'welldyne selected to provide pharmacy services for davita’s',
      cta_url: '/'
}} %} {% include 'templates/modules/news-block.twig' with { module: module } %} 

News block

News & Insights

Contact Form / Long Form Content
(any form can be created this way)

{% set module = { fields: [ { type: 'text-field', label: 'Label of sorts', name: 'email', required_field: true, }, { type: 'select', label: 'Label of sorts', name: 'select', required_field: true, select: { entries: [{ label: 'Cats', value: 'cats' }, { label: 'Dogs', value: 'dogs' }, { label: 'Rabbits', value: 'rabbits' }] } }, { type: 'text-area', required_field: true, label: 'Label of sorts (text-area)' }, { type: 'captcha', required_field: true, }, { type: 'submit', required_field: true, label: 'Submit Form' } ] } %} {% for field in module.fields %} {% include 'templates/elements/' ~ field.type ~ '.twig' with { 'module' : field } %} {% endfor %}

Contact Form / Long Form Content
(any form can be created this way)


// initial = the number where count starts,
// final = the number where to stop,
// rate = by how much to increase (bigger number makes count faster)
// text = aditional text

{% include 'templates/elements/infographic-big-number.twig' with{initial:'0',final:'100',rate:'1',text:'Well Managed Pain Inflammation'} %} {% include 'templates/elements/infographic-engaging-members.twig' with{percent:'10'} %} {% include 'templates/elements/infographic-bars-text-email.twig'%}


0 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

-100 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

0 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

50 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

33 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

88 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

1 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation

-13 %

Well Managed Pain Inflammation


From high-tech to high-touch – we deliver a low effort experience that helps members and physicians make better decisions.

Specialty pharmacy costs are predicted to reach 60% of pharmacy spend by 2021.

Specialty pharmacy costs are predicted to reach 60% of pharmacy spend by 2021.

Specialty pharmacy costs are predicted to reach 60% of pharmacy spend by 2021.

Specialty pharmacy costs are predicted to reach 60% of pharmacy spend by 2021.

Specialty pharmacy costs are predicted to reach 60% of pharmacy spend by 2021.

Specialty pharmacy costs are predicted to reach 60% of pharmacy spend by 2021.

Text Open Rates Email 25 82 People Prefer Texts
Text Open Rates Email 25 82 People Prefer Texts
Text Open Rates Email 25 82 People Prefer Texts
Text Open Rates Email 25 82 People Prefer Texts
Text Open Rates Email 25 82 People Prefer Texts

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Chyrl is just amazing. She made us feel so comfortable throughout this process. I have never been through such a smooth implementation.

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The client is ecstatic. We have gotten glowing reviews on the WellDyne team. Simply the best PBM implementation I’ve ever been through.

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Jeff has more than 20 years’ experience across the healthcare and pharmacy benefit management industries.

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